
Parish Education



News & Events



Sunday School- Sunday's at 9 a.m.

(During the school year.)

St. Paul's Sunday School is open to children from pre-school to eighth grade. It gives the children an opportunity to learn about God and how his lessons can be used in our daily lives. Throughout the year the children will participate in celebrating Gods love by singing songs and presenting the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Eve. Come join us on Sunday mornings as we grow in the faith of the Lord.


(During the school year.)

St. Paul's follows a 3-year Confirmation program that begins in 6th grade and is completed in the 8th grade. Confirmation is held each year in the fall.

Program Outline
6th Grade

    Worship - 5 Weeks
7th Grade
    Ten Commandments - 11 Weeks
    Lord's Prayer - 7 Weeks
    Sunday School
8th Grade
    Apostles' Creed - 10 Weeks
    Lutheran Church History and Doctrine - 10 Weeks
    Sunday School - New Testament